So, there I was, outside Melvin Brewery (which is really good, by the way) registering for the Shippey 100 much to the delight of the Arch City runners who had just sampled the Beaumont trails (and Melvin's beers) with me.
This is the inaugural running of the Shippey, named for the trail system at Beaumont Boy Scout Ranch in Eureka, MO, and the organizers have made several good decisions to maximize the chances it won't be the last. Each 20-mile loop of the course is really five little loops which start and finish at one of just two aid stations that are located less than a quarter mile apart. This greatly reduces logistics and also makes it a bit more interesting for the volunteers since runners will be coming through much more often.
Several distances are offered including a 100K that will run through the night and a 20-miler Saturday morning. The idea is to have other people on the trail during the latter part of the 100 mile (solo and relay) which starts Friday morning. At the pub, Jaime Maher asks if I'm signing up for the 20. I'm not sure what expression I shot her, but she immediately bursts into laughter and says, "I can't believe I just asked you that!" Not surprisingly, there aren't many other takers for the hundred. I'm the seventh and final person to register. Race director Ryan Maher assures me that he has enough buckles if we all finish. I don't think he needs to worry about that happening.
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Dawn of the Shippey |
I camp just a few feet from the start line and am up well before the 7AM start. That's partly because I never sleep very well the night before a big race and partly because I think the race starts at 6 (I have it confused with the 100K start, which is 6PM). At 5:50, I observe that nobody else seems very ready to go and get Ryan to clarify the start time.
The morning is downright chilly by August standards but, it's still August. Plus, I can see my breath, which means the dew point is at least in the low 60's, if not higher. I decide I'll stick to my plan of running the first loop firm while it's still cool and then back way off as the afternoon heat fills in.
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The chapel |
With the exception of leg 1, the start of each leg heads back the way the previous leg came in. As I trudge back up the steep ridge, I see the rest of the 100-mile field come by before leg 2 splits off onto its own trail. After some more running atop the ridge, we have a steep down and up crossing over to another ridge. We then run along the far eastern edge of the ranch (we can easily see the houses just outside the woods) before getting to the toughest part of the course; a series of short, but steep climbs that lead back to the Chapel. While this leg is a mile shorter than the first, it takes almost as long due to the climbs.
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Powerline |
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Alpinist skills optional |
I finish the loop in just under four hours, which is about what I was expecting. I stay on that pace for leg 1 of lap 2 (getting to the chapel right at noon) and decide it's time to adjust pace for the afternoon heat. Since leg 2 is the hilliest, I stashed my trekking poles at the chapel figuring I could turn a tough leg into a recovery section by walking most of it. This is a strategy on which there is some disagreement. Some runners prefer to push hard on the tough sections to limit the time they're going really slow. I used to be in that camp, but I've found that deep efforts, even for short periods of time don't work well for me in ultras, so I've taken to using hills for eating, drinking, and recovery and try to keep a decent pace up everywhere else.
Despite the slow hike up to the up the ridge, the next 100 runner, Tim Landewere, doesn't come the other way until just before the split, 12 minutes after I leave the aid station. It's still too early to be reacting to others, but it does relax me a bit knowing that I can do a fair bit of hiking this leg without giving away all of my lead. I walk about a third of the leg. Back at Chapel, I ditch the poles and again grab enough food and water to skip the station between 3 and 4.
It's quite warm now and I've soaked all my clothing through. At the start/finish, I take a slightly longer stop to get enough to drink. The trudge up the ridge on leg 5 is quite slow, but I have no trouble on the rest of the leg. I end the lap at 3:23 PM (4:25 split for the lap) which is, again, pretty much what I was expecting. There's just one problem.
I'm not feeling well.
My legs are fine, but I can tell my insides are shutting down. It's awfully early in the run to be experiencing that. I'm going to have to slow down even more because I won't be able to go the rest of the race without eating (and, if I keep pushing, I might lose the ability to keep water down as well, which puts a quick end to any forward progress).
I have a decision to make. While I rarely set time goals for ultras (there are just too many weird things that can happen to let the watch dictate your pace), there is a certain cachet in finishing under 24 hours. Particularly with such a small field, it seems like that would give the win a bit more validity. The problem is, pushing for a sub-24 could result in a complete meltdown and I end up failing at both. I've run sub-24's. I've never won a 100. I'm at least two hours in the lead (nobody else has even started leg 4). I decide to forget about the time and make sure I don't go to pieces.
I walk more of leg 1 and much more of leg 2, trying to take in fluids and food in small quantities. Nothing comes back up, but not much goes down, either and my forward progress is certainly slow. Legs 3-5 feel better as temperatures are dropping, but I'm still way off the pace. By the time I finish the lap, it's getting dark. Fortunately, my pacer, Brandon Tiek, has arrived. After forcing down some noodles and broth, I take the risky step of sitting down to let my stomach settle. I tell Brandon that he absolutely has to pull me back out of the chair in five minutes regardless of what I say when that time arrives.
It's a very long walk up the ridge on leg 1. We do run the ridgeline as well as the trail along the creek, but the rest of the lap is walked. At Chapel, I again take my time getting down some more broth and sit for a few minutes while it settles.
Leg 2 seems to take forever. Aside from running the ridge after the first climb, we walk pretty much all of it. I feel bad that Brandon, who is quite capable of knocking out fast miles on trails, has been reduced to a hiking companion, but he seems quite happy to serve in whatever way is helpful. Back at Chapel, I'm only able to sip some ginger ale. I hate these long stops, but I learned at Heartland a few years back that, while forward progress is always the goal, if you know you're in trouble and leave too soon, really bad things can happen.
We're now at 70 miles. This is usually the low spot for me and today is not the exception. I ditch my poles for my big handheld light and we do manage an easy jog for most of leg 3. Brandon has to work in the morning and had promised to stay with me until 2:15AM. We get to the end of the leg at 1:15 and I tell him I doubt I'll get the next leg done in under an hour. He decides to press on regardless. I'm glad he stays because, after trudging up the powerline, I actually manage something that passes for running down the spur to end the leg. It's 2:30 and he's not going to get much more than a nap before getting up for work, but at least he got some real running in.
Back on my own for leg 5, I take it easy up the big climb but again manage to find a decent jog the rest of the lap. It's been an atrocious loop, taking over seven hours, but it's done, I'm still in the lead, and I know the worst is behind me.
Leg 1 is still slow, but the nausea is gone. My improvement on leg 2 is significant enough that the aid station workers at Chapel comment on how much better I'm looking. With the sun coming up, the three remaining legs flow easily. Since I'm not carrying lights, I keep my poles which help not only on the climbs, but also add some confidence on the descents as my motor skills are getting a bit vague.

I underestimated the course. While the total climb is not particularly high, it comes at you in pretty severe chunks. The excessive rainfall we've had this year resulted in a lot of downed trees. They weren't hard to hop over, but when you're doing that a dozen times per mile, the effect adds up. And, while it was a perfect day for a picnic, it is summer in St. Louis and the humidity was noticeable anytime I moved faster than a walk. At any rate, I was pretty happy with the effort even if the clock wasn't in the mood for flattery.
Adding to the pleasure of a well-fought win was the fact that the race organization was spot on. I tried to come up with some constructive criticism but really couldn't think of anything. It's a low-key local event for sure, but one that is exceptionally well run. It all adds up to the happy experience I was looking for.
That said, it might take more than three beers to get me to run it again.
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