Sunday, October 4, 2015

Plan for this week

Ran the Milwaukee Marathon today and just got back to STL. No PR, despite pretty good conditions. I think I was right about these grad school/racing things being incompatible. Still, a decent result: under 3 hours and an age group win. No need to apologize for that. I'll post a race report as next Saturday's off-topic post.

Meanwhile, I am really up against it this week. Work shouldn't be too busy; probably just a regular 40-hour week. But, I have assignments in both classes and an exam next Monday. I'll need to use my time wisely. Tonight is pretty much lost, so here's my plan for the rest of the week.

Monday: If I wake up early enough (hardly a sure thing the day after a long race), I'll work on my Algorithms assignment. Otherwise, that will push to lunchtime. Might get another hour in between dinner and class.

Tuesday: Finish the algorithms assignment. Hopefully in the morning. Otherwise, it will be a late night after class.

Wednesday: Turn in algorithms HW and finish up the languages assignment (it's mostly done already). If I have a chance, I'll touch up my thesis ideas because there's a discussion with all the grad faculty Wednesday afternoon on open topics and I'm hoping I can find someone interested.

Thursday: Get going on the next algorithms assignment in the AM and some review of languages topics covered so far before and after class.

Friday: AM studying for languages. Midday work on the algorithms assignment. Kate wants to do some stuff as a family in the evening.

Saturday: Off, as usual.

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