Saturday, March 25, 2017


Took my off day on Saturday again.

Aside from a comically small mileage base, my prep for Boston is actually going pretty well. If I was really trying to run a good time I'd probably rescind that statement but, for just showing up and being able to run well enough to enjoy the event, I think that's looking pretty good.

Wednesday's long run didn't leave any troubling aches or pains. Today's split tempo session (which was over 2 hours long with a solid 40 minutes at Tempo pace) went fine. I went out again later in the day just to loosen things up and, again, no warning signs of problem areas. And, I'm pretty good at detecting such signs; it's why I am so seldom injured.

As I'm still not training with a watch, I still have no idea where my fitness really is. I might borrow a watch for this week's intervals and the 5K on Saturday. The plan is to run the first 20 at close to the pace predicted by those activities and then not worry about it if I have to slow down in the final miles.

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