Thursday, September 17, 2015

Axiomatic Semantics

I may be on to something, here, or I may just be full of shit, The great thing about grad school is that it doesn't really matter that much which it is.

We're finally covering some graduate-level material in Programming Languages (only took three weeks for that to happen). Looking at using Axiomatic Semantics for formal proofs of correctness. Now, nobody who actually gets paid to write code (as opposed to people who write about the code written by people who get paid) actually wastes any time on proofs of correctness. However, I think there's some real practical value in looking at this approach.

Basically, it's finding the loosest condition on your inputs that give the desired outputs. In other words, how bad can your data be before the program simply can't handle it. That's an important thing to know. And, if you apply the principles of Axiomatic Semantics to Test Driven Design, you can fairly easily arrive at it. This is all spinning unstructured in my brain right now, but I'm going to try to formalize it a bit. I think at the very least there's a decent colloquium presentation in there, if not an outright publication.

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