If {an} is a decreasing sequence that converges to 0, then Σ(-1)n+1an converges.
Unfortunately, neither of those sources indicated why this was in any way important. It seems fairly obvious and the applications are limited. Digging a bit more, I found a generalization attributed to Dirichlet, another luminary (even bigger than Leibniz in the area of Bayesian Data Analysis). I rather like this one:
If {an} is a monotone decreasing real sequence converging to zero and {bn} is a complex sequence such that
for all N where M is a constant, then Σanbn converges. This isn't just a little more general than Leibniz's Test. It allows you to use any sequence (real or complex) with a bounded sum to throttle the decreasing sequence and come up with a convergent sum.
And, Dirichlet either didn't know or didn't care that it was important. It wasn't published until after his death.
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