Let {an} and {bn} be infinite real sequences and let {sn} be the partial sums of {an}. That is,
Again, to "prove" this, one merely needs to appropriately combine terms so, by itself, it's not particularly significant. It does, however, allow one to come up with a couple more convergence rules for series that converge conditionally (that is, Σan converges, but not Σ|an|.
The first is Dirichlet's Test, which I mentioned a few days ago as a more general form of Leibniz's alternating series test. Another is Abel's Test: If Σan converges and {bn} is a bounded monotone sequence, then Σanbn converges. Both follow from putting constraints on the series Σan and sequence {bn} and then taking the limit of the summation by parts formula as n goes to infinity.
That's all well and good (and, frankly, straightforward enough to be left as an "exercise to the reader"), but what I like is that summation by parts gives a glimpse into integration by parts, which is often a very spooky result to Freshman Calculus students (it certainly was for me).
The similarity in form is pretty obvious if you re-label the differences in the partial sums in the original formulation: dbk = bk+1 - bk and dsk = sk - sk-1 = akThen summation by parts is:
There's still some non-trivial work to do, but it's not terribly hard to see how taking this limit winds up giving:
Not a proof, by any means, but it does give some intuition into why it works.
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